China flag meaning
Do you
want to know China flag meaning? The national flag of China is very famous,so
the question “What is the meaning of China flag?” is the popular question all
over the world about the national flag of China.
China is
a nation which is located in Asia. It is the largest
nation and the most population of the world.
China flag meaning
The national flag of
China has the red color which is signal as the communist revolution. In
addition, the red color is traditional one of the people of China, so the
national flag of China has red background. The large yellow star is likely communism.
Four smaller onessymbolize the social classes of the people of this country. Five stars include small stars and large star
represents the importance placed on five thoughts and history of China. Therefore, the national flag of China has
just only 5 stars.
This is some information of China flag meaning.
History of the national flag of China
The national flag of
China was adopted on October 1, 1949. It was design after Chinese Civil
War by ZengLiansong.
This article has some
information about China
flag meaning which is an answer for “What is the meaning of China flag?”
question about the national flag of China.
has some information from internet.

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