Laos flag meaning - National Flag of Laos

Laos flag meaning

Laos is well-known as “Lao Peoples Democratic Republic”
The national flag of Laos is the mystery meaning, so many people want to know the Laos flag meaning.

Description of the national flag of Laos

The national flag of Laos has three horizontal stripes with red color on the top and the botom, the blue in a middle which has a white circle in the center of the national flag meaning.

What do the Laos flag mean?

The red color represents blood which is in the fight of Laos to become independence nation. The blue color of the national flag of Laos stands for weath. The white one of the national flag of Laos signal as unity and justice. The white cirle symbolizes the full moon of over the blue Mekong River which is very famous in South Asia. on the rise and the five stars represent the country's ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.

History of the national flag of Laos

The national flag of Laos was adopted on December 2, 1975. The national flag of Laos is based on the flag of the Lao Patriotic Front. In the fact, Lao Patriotic Front is usually referred to as the Pathet Lao which is outside of Laos.

I hope that this Laos flag meaning will help viewers have more information to answer “What do the Laos flag mean?” question.

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